Multiple Choice Tests
Guide for students to interpret test results
You will receive a report via email for each test, with the title and date of the particular test indicated in the subject line
The body of the email contains a single line, for example:
ID = 17 score = 22/30 filename1.jpg AABAA AAfAA AAdbA AebAA Adcec AAAFA mean=19.4 SD=4.0 N=53
This is interpretted as follows:
- Your ID number as you entered it.
- Your score as a fraction of the total number of questions.
- The file name of the scanned bubblesheet
- Your answers to individual questions in groups of 5: The answers are "unpermuted" to match the answer sheet posted on the website. Capital letters are correct, and generally the correct answer is A by default. However, sometimes the question contains a bug and credit has been given for other answers as well, such as B in question 3 in the example above. The letter f signfies that no answer was entered (F indicates that no answer was entered but credit was given anyway).
- The mean, standard deviation (SD) and number of students taking the test (N).
The answer sheet posted on the website will contain the unpermuted answers to each question as well as any explanations, errata, and alternative answers entered by the instructor.